Spaying and neutering is the single biggest action we can take to prevent cat/kitten over-population and prevent cats from coming into shelters. Each $60 you donate provides medical care, spay/neuter surgery, and vaccinations to a cat in need.


You can create a FieldHaven account to view donation history, update profile, etc. Please create a login name and password at least eight characters long containing at least one number.

You will check out on the next page either with by entering your credit card information or via an existing Paypal account. Please note that Paypal  DOES NOT support recurring donations. If you wish to make a recurring donation, the Paypal link will be disabled and you will need to enter your credit card information.

Billing Information

NOTE: Please only click the 'SUBMIT' button once. Your payment may take time to process.

NOTE: Please only click the 'SUBMIT' button once. Your payment may take time to process.
Click this button to make your payment via PayPal.
Note: You will be redirected here once your payment is processed by PayPal.